February 5

Twitter Expect Connect Reflection

For my Genius Hour Project I followed 1o experts on gaming to help me, here is a list of them an why I chose them:

 – Is a game developer.

 &  – Are  animators/drawers.

 – Is a game animator.

 – Is a game writer, screenwriter, and producer.

 – Is a game system designer and works at Blizzard, a famous game producer.

 – Are a group of game testers and also have a popular YouTube channel.

 – Is an artist for the channel Extra Credits.

 – Is a designer and Illustrator.

 – (Major League Gaming) Is the number one worldwide for competitive eSports.

These are important to my project because it is about gaming. To be more specific, the way games are made and what is needed to make one, and the effects of gaming (positive and negative).  That is why I have included game writers, illustrators, producer, etc. I tweeted general question about gaming such as, “What are the three main purposed of gaming???” I posted this in a tweet and I only got a couple of likes and unfortunately no replies. They answers could have greatly helped me for my project, because it would be examples of what experts on the making and testing of gaming think of it. With that information my project can be a lot better and have various opinions from different experts. However, I haven’t had any success with any of my questions, because no one responded to the question.

I shared some of the work and tweets from some of the experts to show them I was interested in what they what doing, but they didn’t follow me back. However to my surprise, I got a follow out of nowhere from @CcLiviu who tweets interesting facts about games, game developments, etc. He was very helpful to the making of my project. I did not get any assistance from the experts except for , after I shared a video he posted about new animations for his game and said it was pretty cool, he sent me a DM, thanking me and giving me links to him website. I was happy about that, so I proceeded to DM him back a questions, I never got an answer, which led me to the conclusion that it was probably a programmed answer to anyone who shares his tweets.

Overall, gathering information from experts on twitter was discouraging at times. however it served as a leaning experience and I could use this strategy if I have project in the future. Next time I use this, I’ll have to be more active and try to maximize interactions with experts. My results weren’t the best, but they are a beginning, I had classmate who receive nothing from experts, and others had regular interactions with them. This is my first time playing around with twitter, and I believe that if I was more persistent and understood how the experts used twitter, my results would have been better, but this is my first attempt at doing this, so they is room for improvement. To conclude, this project was a challenging introduction to twitter and hot to develop a relationship with experts to receive help for projects.

Larry si è tagliato i capelli e guarda in alto: vi piace?Creative Commons License paz.ca via Compfight

Posted February 5, 2017 by zoumanaisd20 in category Uncategorized

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